Pleasonton Pheasants
League: JAG
Division: Mel Ott Division
Team Initials: PTP
Micro Manager:
Owner Name: Mark Paris
All Time Record: 1963 - Current, 156-168, .481 (Playoffs: 2-3, .400)
Contract Status: 84/130 Total Years (71 Long Term / 13 Short Term)
Trophy Case: 
4+ Years In League 1963 Inaugural Member  

Trade History
Trans Num Trade Date Details
1966.1    2023-12-16    Pleasonton Pheasants trade Tony Conigliaro to the Greater Ohio Chia Pets for GOC 1966 #1.   
1964.2    2023-03-30    Pleasonton Pheasants trade Bill White to the Spark Town Homies for Tony Cloninger.   
1963.1    2022-09-30    Pleasonton Pheasants trade Denis Menke to the Ann Arbor River Rats for Bob Johnson.   
