Pittsburgh Cobras
League: JAG
Division: Mel Ott Division
Team Initials: PBC
Micro Manager:
Owner Name: John Cress
All Time Record: 1966 - Current, 36-45, .444 (Playoffs: 0-3, .000)
Previous Franchise:  Hoboken Zephyrs (HZ), 1963 - 1966
Contract Status: 85/130 Total Years (66 Long Term / 19 Short Term)
Trophy Case: 
1+ Years In League

Trade History
Trans Num Trade Date Details
1967    2024-05-28    Pittsburgh Cobras trade Jerry Koosman to the Ann Arbor River Rats for Paul Casanova and Rickey Clark.   
1967    2024-05-28    Greater Ohio Chia Pets trade Jim Hardin to the Pittsburgh Cobras for Paul Casanova.   
1967    2024-05-27    Pittsburgh Cobras trade Don Wert and Gene Alley to the Greater Ohio Chia Pets for Bob Veale and Joe Foy.   
