Flying Leathernecks
League: JAG
Division: Mel Ott Division
Team Initials: FL
Micro Manager:
Owner Name: Jim Hutchison
All Time Record: 1964 - Current, 63-99, .389 (Playoffs: 0-0, .000)
Previous Franchise:  Los Angeles Spicolis (LAS), 1963 - 1964
Contract Status: 80/130 Total Years (70 Long Term / 10 Short Term)
Trophy Case: 
3+ Years In League

Trade History
Trans Num Trade Date Details
1965.3    2023-12-15    Flying Leathernecks trade FL 1966 #2 to the Hazard Bombers for Dick Allen and Willie Davis.   
1965.2    2023-08-12    Flying Leathernecks trade to the Ann Arbor River Rats for Lee May.   
